617-841-4688 contact@corsotax.com


Our Goal

For the majority of Americans, filing taxes is often a dreaded, painstaking and anxiety ridden time.

In one recent survey by lending tree, 54% of the respondents indicated they were dreading filing their taxes, while other surveys say it is closer to 80%. Americans do not like filing their taxes for a variety of reasons, including a complicated tax code that most people do not really understand (and in all honestly should not have to!), extensive document gathering, expensive bills for tax services, lack of communication with their tax provider, a fear of missing out on credits or deductions, or an unforeseen tax bill, just to name a few. 


Flat-Rate Fees

Corso Tax was founded on the belief that much of the stress associated with taxes can be eliminated when clients have the ability to openly communicate with their tax provider throughout the year without worrying about any unforeseen bills. Unlike many tax consulting and public accounting firms that use an hourly bill rate, our firm is based on a flat-rate fee model where all fees are mutually agreed upon up front for your yearly tax needs. By using a flat-rate fee structure, we are able to eliminate any unexpected surprises for our clients in that no unanticipated bills will ever be received, while encouraging our clients to reach out whenever they have tax questions.


By opening up a line of communication, we are able to take the time to get to know our clients, which helps us take a highly proactive approach to tax planning throughout the year. We encourage our clients to view tax planning as an integral part of their personal and business endeavors and we foster the kind of client rapport that enables us to know and be aware of what is of ongoing importance to our clients.  Our goal is to grow with our clients and provide more attentive, client-focused service year-round than you may receive at a larger tax consulting firm. 

Corso Tax’s goal is to take away some of that dread in filing, while creating a friendly, low pressure atmosphere in which we can comfortably discuss, organize, and advise our clients on any type of tax issue they may be facing. We want to get you back to enjoying life while we do the heavy lifting to keep you tax compliant, while saving you money whenever possible.