617-841-4688 contact@corsotax.com


Preparing your own income tax return can be a daunting task that leaves you with far more questions than answers.  A study released by the US Government’s General Accounting Office last year indicates that 77% of taxpayers believe they benefited from using a professional tax preparer. Whether we like it or not, US tax laws are so complicated that even the simplest of returns can be confusing – it is easy to overlook deductions and credits to which you are entitled. We believe many of these costly tax consequences can be reduced or eliminated by building strong relationships with our clients and encouraging an open line of communication throughout the year. Therefore, Corso Tax charges a yearly flat-rate that includes preparing your federal and state tax returns, preparing quarterly projections and estimates, and providing as needed, year round tax planning and consulting.

Tax Preparation & Compliance: 

Our tax preparation and compliance services include preparing federal and state tax returns for individuals, small businesses, and trusts. By hiring Corso Tax, you will ensure:

  • Your tax return will be thoroughly prepared utilizing the latest in legal tax reductions strategies 
  • Your tax return will be checked and rechecked by our software to identify potential problems the IRS may look at more closely
  • Your tax return will be electronically filed to ensure you will get your refund back quickly
  • We will discuss potential deductions to limit your tax liability for the following year
  • We will prepare your quarterly projections and estimates

When you have us submit your tax return for you, the documentation can be uploaded safely and securely through our portal. We will submit your return through the electronic filing system and arrange for direct deposit for your refund. 

Tax Planning and Consulting:

Corso Tax believes that one of the most beneficial aspects of our practice is in providing our clients with proactive tax planning and consulting year-round. Tax planning is the key to successfully reducing your tax liability in a legal way.  By getting to know our clients on a more personal level, we go beyond tax compliance and proactively recommend tax saving strategies to maximize your after-tax income throughout the year. 

We will recommend legal Tax Saving Strategies that help you:


  • Grow and preserve assets by reducing your tax liability in compliance with the tax code
  • Defer income so you can keep your money now and pay less tax later
  • Reduce taxes on your income so you keep more of what you make
  • Reduce taxes on your estate so your family keeps more of what you have made
  • Reduce taxes on your gifts so you can give more to your loved ones
  • Reduce taxes on your investments so you can grow your wealth even faster
  • Reduce taxes on your retirement distributions so you can retire earlier